I just got back from a week long retreat in Sedona. In a word wow. The retreat was focused on opening the heart to love and we sure did!
For me one of the best part was the lilacs were in bloom and of course the amazing people that came to the retreat. Lilacs are my all time favorite flowers and it has been thirty-two years since I smelled them.
We also built an amazing labyrinth as a gift to the retreat center. In the process we moved tons of rocks. I took some images of people walking the labyrinth which I find magical.
Creating magic in your life
How do you have such a magical experience in your own life, while sitting at home? It really is possible and relatively easy. I focused on creating loving, nurturing experiences for everyone everyday. I focused on love and that is what people experienced. So, in your life make loving yourself your primary focus.
- Love yourself – that means taking care of yourself, being gentle, being kind and remembering how awesome you really are.
- Do at least one nurturing thing a day
- The most resisted but most powerful exercise I know – look at yourself in the mirror, directly into your eyes and say I love you. Do it daily until you really believe it and then continue doing it!
- Just be nice and focus on love.
So, what do you want or need in your life? Want help creating a retreat of your own in your own home? Drop me a comment and let me know how I can help you. With love, happiness and joy, Susan
Aloha dear Susan!
Always a great pleasure to hear about you. I am happy you had a beautiful retreat. I want to create more health in my life, and bring more art.
Thank you for the inspiration, dear friend and aloha!
Pierrette, Montréal, Québec, Canada
I will see you healthy and happily creating lots and lots of art. Thanks for sharing.
With love, Susan
Love is all around us if we just focus on our surroundings and stay still long enough to feel the peace and love we all have within instead of the negativity that sometimes wants to sweep us into the world of unhappiness. Staying positive and loving is so much easier and rewarding. It puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. The outside world will gravitate to your loving energy and it just makes all the ducks fall in a row for the peace, prosperity, and happiness we all desire…Feels so good…
Love does feel good, really good and the more we focus on it the more magic and miracles occur. Thanks for being you Sandy.
With love, Susan
Aloha dear Susan,
I want to create more health me and my family. And I want to create opportunity to visit my children and grandchildren, and participate in retreat with you.
Thank you.
beautiful susan, and excellent advise