Smilies yellow stickers o</a>Life is emotionally neutral until we tell ourselves a story. It is our story that causes our emotions. That is often a hard idea to wrap our minds around.</p>
<p>We are such an emotionally driven species. We react to life before we even realize we are reacting to the story we just told ourselves. Rather than deciding how we want to feel we react to the quiet whispers of our mind.</p>
<h3>What is your favorite emotion?</h3>
<p>We all have habitual emotions, our favorite ones. Some people tend to be sad a lot, some get angry easily while other people laugh a lot. We really can choose our emotions if we are willing to pay attention to our stories and when need be change them.</p>
<p>When we focus on emotions like happiness and joy rather than sadness and anger the quality of our lives improves. Like attracts like.</p>
<h3>Using gratitude as a bridge</h3>
<p>My favorite emotions use to be anger and sadness. Once I decided to make love, happiness and joy my norm I found gratitude to be an incredible tool. I  began by making a list of everything I was grateful for, both big and small. At first I struggled making my list but with a bit of practice my list became longer and longer. The more I focused on gratitude the more wonderful my life became.</p>
<p>Practice focusing on what you can be grateful for. You could start by listing five things you are grateful for in the comment section. A friend of mine totally transformed her life by posting five things she was grateful for on an e group everyday.</p>
<p>Gratitude can be a gateway to personal freedom, happiness and joy. Try it and I know you will love the results.</p>
<p>With love and lots of gratitude,<br />
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    • Susan

      Thanks Delta
      Laughter is so healing and expansive.
      With a big smile,

  1. Kim

    I am grateful for: breath, tree’s, sky, mountains,love

    • Susan

      I love mountains to thank Kim.
      With love, Susan

  2. Ramune

    For hot tea in the morning, the light of candle, colourful autum’s trees, astrology and for everyday teaching 🙂
    for love and joy and your teaching about telling the stories to ourselves.

    • Susan

      I love the smell of a cappuccino brewing and good tea and seeing all the comments about gratitude.
      Love, Susan

  3. Jackie

    I am grateful for every day I am on this beautiful earth. I am grateful for my amazingHusband , family and everyone in in my life including my wonderful dogs. . I am grateful for the gift of Reiki. I am grateful for my illness and all I have learned from this time. Thank you God and the Universe. Jackie xxx

    • Susan

      What a wonderful life you have created with so many things to be grateful for. I too am grateful for Reiki, this amazing earth, dogs and the incredible gifts life brings.
      With love and gratitude,

  4. Melro

    I am grateful for life, family, friends, peace within me, love of all kinds =)

    • Susan

      Melro love sure is an amazing energy to share with others and ourselves.

      Loving all the comments,

  5. gillian

    I am grateful for friends and family, my dog and the cats. I am grateful for the cottage in which we live. I am grateful for the woodland mountains and streams near by. I am grateful for the ability to see,hear,walk and share life’s simple gifts. I am grateful for Susan.

    • Susan

      Thanks Gillian,
      How nice to see you sharing your gratitude. I have missed your comments since you completed Art of Allowing. I too am grateful for you.
      With a big smile and lots of love, Susan

  6. Gigi

    I’m grateful for my wonderful teenage son who has such a good head on his shoulders and makes good decisions even when they are tough; I’m grateful for the gift of dis-ease which taught me that by seeking physical healing, it brought me to the path of soul healing, and by following that path, the physical miracles occur; I’m grateful to finally understand that I am not alone out there and never really was. =)

    • Susan

      Aloha Gigi … I am glad you now know you are never alone.
      With love, Susan

  7. Judy Dissmeyer

    I am so grateful I still have the capacity to learn these life lessons & enjoy the progress of my recovery. Today I have hope that I can get better & decide to be content & happy & that’s thanks to people like you, Susa , my God, & other recovery programs.

    • Susan

      Judy …. isn’t recovery grand!
      Thanks for sharing, Susan

  8. Jennifer

    I am grateful for my career that I love, music, my furry family, having options and extremely grateful for you Susan. <3 Jennifer

    • Susan

      Thanks Jeniffer
      Sending you a BIG hug,


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