I woke up this morning thinking about ‘what is love?’ An usual question to be waking up to. So I pose that question to you what does love mean to you?
I’m sure each one of us has a unique definition of what constitutes love. When I used to work with couples my first suggestion was to have each person write a list of how they felt loved and then exchange it. For some it’s cards and flowers for others it’s keeping the bathroom clean. Watch that toothpaste cover!
There is also fear based love and love based love
Fear based love isn’t really love at all. It is all about I’ll love you as long as you do this but if you don’t I’ll make your life miserable or try to brow beat you into submission.
Loved based love is something we rarely experience but can certainly strive for. Love based love is unconditional love with no strings attached.
So what is your experience of love?
How does love feel in your body?
How do you show love to yourself and others?
I’d love to read your answer to those questions in the comment section below! I’m still a comment junky!
With lots of love, smiles and aloha,
Want help shifting your perspective in life? I have a few spaces available for my complimentary Loving Life Sessions!
As always Susan you are correct love is truly unconditional given freely with no expectations or conditions.
However, I have needs too and find it difficult to keep giving with nothing received in return – it’s not tit for tat for me – I just want to be loved back
When you REALLY REALLY love yourself your needs are always met and you have plenty to give.
Sending waves of love, Susan
Wow, how nice to wake up with love being the first thing on your mind. I feel loved when I’m feeling validated by the universe. And not demanding it do so. Not required that those close to me in my life do the validation. Just that my time here is appreciated by me and bonus if by others. Not always remembering to come from that perspective and with practice it’s more frequent.
Just a suggestion validate yourself instead of waiting for the universe to do it. More wonderful things show up a lot quicker that way.
with love, Susan