You never really experience reality
What you really experience is your mind’s version of reality, you experience your filter system.
You see reality through your past. Minds are amazing bio-computers. In a nanosecond they have whipped through your past for a similar experience, sorted though your beliefs, agreements, assumptions and attitudes and they make an assumption about what is.
You see your mind’s version of reality filtered through your past. You never experience this moment directly.
The words you are reading have meaning based on your filter system. No two people reading these words will experience the same thing.
Having a filter system isn’t a bad thing
Once you become aware of your filter system you can modify it so it actually helps you create more of what you do want. Have you ever had a friend who struggles with relationships? Time after time she gets into a relationship with the same person just a different body. You can see it but she can’t – or perhaps that is you.
The one thing that changed my life more than anything else was love. Not the fear based, I’ll love you as long as you do this but the expansive, judgment free love based love.
The ability to experience love based love takes practice and dedication and it all starts with a choice. That choice is to love yourself unconditionally, to observe judgments and limitations lovingly. The choice to clean the window through which you see life.
Actually seeing your filter system takes practice
What are your beliefs about life? Is it hard or a fun journey? Does love and money just flow to you? You really can begin to see your filter system and change the parts that no longer serve you.
Where does freedom, love, joy and your limitless nature live?
Take a few minutes, sit quietly and ask yourself that question. See what the answer is and connect with that part of yourself often.
Why not sign up for a complementary Loving Life Session with me. I’ll help you find that sweet spot.
With love and aloha,
Always love that your sharings are so beneficial. Many thanks.
Thanks for allowing me to be part of your journey. Sending you a big hug
I loved reading this! It was a spiritual tune up for me. I forget that I am (my spirit is) driving the “train” not my mind. You have a gift of making this “user friendly”, so simple yet how easily I forget! More fodder to share with the kids I work with — thank you!
My pleasure Kathy … you go girl remind those kids they are perfect little beings of love and they can do anything!! Bea and I are going to see the new Star Wars movie today Yahooo
I am writing some affirmations today, and this post just inspired a few more! Thanks for this and for all you generously share.
My pleasure – I find doing both affirmations and a gratitude list is a great combo!
Thank you Susan!
I don’t know what is reality,but I know that we are all ONE(LOVE)
Gentle reminder:”Be happy.Not because everything is good,but because you can see the good in everything.” ~ Unknown
I chose to be happy.
Love & Joy!
Yes indeed . . . Only the love is real an we are one – thanks Nicu
It seems being tender goes against with assertiveness. It is necessary to be tough if we want to succeed in something, but by being tender we are slowing down the process of doing it and distracted from our goals. Take my dog as an example. My dog gets annoyed and barks at me when I am tender. My dog shows a bit anger and challenges me when she hears me praying, but she listens to me when I am assertive.It seems animals need a sense of purpose,direction, focused feelings in every moment instead of the owner being tender.OH…..I think I didn’t address this clearly… I don’t know. Maybe I don’t really know what it is to be tender.
Being tender doesn’t mean being weak and being assertive doesn’t mean being angry or mean. When we set our intent clearly we can manifest whatever we want. We can lovingly and with tenderness set our intent.
Dogs need clarity and for their owners to be a loving pack leader, a leader.
If animals are enlightened beings, why they sometimes fight each other to death, like wolves, dogs, and the disabled chicken being abused by other healthy chickens in pack? Enlightened beings treasure peace and respect. Why they do this. This doesn’t make sense to me.
Animals are animals, instinctual animals. To an animal the concept of enlightenment has no meaning.
If I increase my sense of clarity of my life, that means some of my energy state will be changed, then my dog will respond to my new energy state and behave like a calm dog?
Being the pack leader for your dog means you are the leader, it will fell safer because hit has a calm loving leader. Dogs are a pack animal and there is always a leader. You must learn to be your dogs loving leader.
This gets curiouser and curiouser….now I don’t know who I am !!!
Ah the mystery of life – hopefully the net blog post will help. Thanks for posting and allowing me to be part o your journey.
With a big, loving smile,