If you did nothing else but love – your life would change dramatically and so would the world.
Say again my entire life would be transformed and the world too?
Yup, undoubtedly. Love is the most powerful force in the world. It allows us to rise above it all, open our heart and accept the magic and miracles life is ready to freely give us once we fully open our hearts to receive it.
Why do we find it so hard to love ourselves? Really, really love ourselves unconditionally? To just love in general?
In a word – fear.
We are afraid:
We aren’t good enough.
That if we open our hearts fully we may be hurt or judged.
What if we don’t do it (whatever the it is) right?
What if they knew how we really felt?
What if I risk it all and it still isn’t enough?
What if there really are monsters under the bed?
What if we finally realized that the only thing that is real is love and that everything else is just an illusion? What would happen then?
Life is after all a vast energy system
Energy can never be destroyed. It is impossible. Energy always goes on. It can change form but it can never die or wink out of existence and you are made up of energy.
Our thoughts create vibrations and those vibrations attract things in our life. If we focus on love we attract more love. If we focus on fear we attract more fear.
So if we focus on love most of the time what do you think would show up in our lives?
Since only the love is real how could we possibly be unlovable? CAN’T HAPPEN, NEVER, NO WAY. Did you feel that?
YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY LOVEABLE. What you actually are is love.
You are love, you are lovable and you are loved.
That is my favorite statement and it is grounded in the truth. Now, if you know me at all you know I am fond of saying there is no “The Truth” and that is true but the truth is you are love because only the love is real and you exist.
Ok, that’s my logical dissertation on love but how can I help you create a life where you bask in the loving, magical existence called life? Where all your hopes and dreams manifest in your life in an easy and effortless manner?
How can I help you do that?
I know I can do that because I have done it myself but how can I help you do that?
That is a question I have been asking myself lately about all you wonderful people in my community – the people on my email list, the people who read my blog or connect with me on Facebook or listen to Food for the Soul.
So I thought I’d ask. I know if you start to retrain your mind and think loving thoughts that helps. If you listen to uplifting podcasts and programs and read loving stuff that helps.
But on a personal up close and intimate level how can I help you or how have I helped you? I’d love to see your thoughts in the comment section. What do you think?
Well that’s all for right now . . .
With lots of love,
PS. One of you wonderful commenters gets to have a Kindle reader soon.
LOVE is the answer to everything, BUT, i have found that some people don’t understand the real meaning of LOVE, even when it is looking at them!
I feel sorry for people who cannot reach out and know the real meaning of LOVE, ROMANCE, PASSION and all it brings all rolled into ONE!
Instead of feeling sorry for them perhaps love them instead. Love can heal all wounds and people that don’t understand love are definitely wounded or at lest disconnected from their essence in some way. Thanks Joanne.
With love, Susan
I really agree with your opinion ,,Our thoughts create vibrations and those vibrations attract things in our life. If we focus on love we attract more love. If we focus on fear we attract more fear”.
Some time ago I read that negative thoughts are powerful, but positive thoughts, and especially fulfilled with love, are more powerful.
I believe that, but in real life it is hard realize sometimes. But we need to try….
With love, Jolanta
Early in my journey I read that one positive thought erases 100 negative thoughts. I have no idea if it is true but it certainly helped me release a lot of fear so true or not it helped. And when we open a door at night the light falls outward dispelling the darkness. Thanks for taking the time to check in Jolanta.
With love, Susan
Jacy it has been a pleasure watching you open up to the magic and love and follow your spirit. What a journey we are on and I am grateful you allowed me to be part of your journey. Maybe some day we can sit down and have a cappuccino or tea and as we say here in Hawaii just talk story. It has been an honor and privilege to be part of your journey. Thanks for allowing me to come along.
With a big smile and lots of love, Susan
Yes – Love is the answer. I sometimes forget and get distracted and slip into old habits of thinking. Thank you, Susan for your podcasts, books, emails, website, videos that remind me that the loving response is what I am practicing.
Thanks Karen,
I am glad I am an agent of love in your life. As i wrote that I heard James Bond type music and laughed.
Love and laughter sure are freeing, Susan
these are beautiful words, Susan, and so very true
Thanks Zaneta
Every morning I started with the insights of Susan. Thanx Susan! You help me to stay on the right path. ‘O yes, love’ was the answer. I take a mirror, look to myself and say to myself ‘I love you, I love you’. Why is it so difficult to love myself? I try to quit my old beliefs that I have to do this and that before I give myself permission to enjoy myself and my family. Now I’m aware of it. It takes time to change and take really responsibility for my pleasure. It’s step by step. But I’m on the right way. Every thought is energy. Life is energy. And I have a choice and I know what to choose and what to do! For now I quit my laptop and go for a walk with my daughter to feel the love of the sun.
Using a mirror to remember to love yourself is so powerful. Enjoy the sun and your daughter.
With a broad smile, Susan
Feeling the love of the sun – such a perfect expression 🙂
It is a wonderful image …
Sometimes the easiest questions can stump me. How have you helped? I could have rambled on about the years of listening to you, the work you inspired me to do, but it was hard to put it into words that fit together.
And then last night I realized what it was – you are very consistent! Love – easy and effortless love. There are so many teachers in the world today – a great blessing – and many of them speak of how we can truly change our world with our thoughts. That is a very powerful message.
But much of the time there is a little string attached: “But it will be work! You didn’t think you could just sit on the couch and do this, did you?”
For me, sitting on the couch all the time would not be easy, and it would certainly not be joyous or fun (but I’m on it right now – so some of the time, yes! And what if my work is mostly on a computer – can’t I sit on the couch while I do that. Why, yes I can.). Your message is very consistent and has become stronger and clearer over the years – “Struggle is a choice. Love is a choice.”
I keep finding deeper and deeper levels of love, and deeper and deeper ways to let go of struggle. This is changing my life in many beautiful ways.
Change your thoughts – change your life. That is a great start. Make this easy and effortless and all about love – that is the step that really made the difference – that had to follow the first lesson on changing thoughts. It’s a lesson I hope I keep learning and applying for years to come. Thank you!
Thanks Marilyn,
How nicely you summarized it all change your thoughts, easy and effortless and love. Love love love, especially for ourselves.
Have an awesome day, Susan
The Beatles had it down – if only we had all listened what a different world it would be. But since everything is now, we can all change the world now. Powerful stuff.
So nice to see dialogs starting to happen here . . .
The Beatles did have a good idea what it was all about and the world is perfect and only the love is real and the only moment that we have is now … and moment by moment we get to choose what we want to create. And … isn’t life grand.
With love and a song in my heart, Susan