I used to believe ‘out there’ had the ability to make me happy.Then in the 70’s I read Jane Robert’s book The Nature of Personal Reality and had to rethink that belief. After I studied the Toltec tradition I let it go completely and fully realized I was the creator of my reality. I could be as happy as I wanted to be at any given moment no matter what was going on around me. Talk about personal freedom. I no longer had to depend on ‘out there’ for anything!

Often my students get upset when I first suggest to them that there is no ‘out there’ and that out there is merely a reflection of what is going on internally. The world is as it is and then we interpret what is, based on that interpretation we have an experience. The world really is an emotionally neutral place, all of our emotions are created by what we tell ourselves and not by the events themselves.

So, what actually makes you happy is the story you tell yourself about the events in your life not the events themselves. Ironically your habitual stories are what attract certain events to you in the first place. It is easy to get caught up in a self-defeating pattern. You don’t have enough money to pay the bills, so you worry about money which is the antithesis of attracting abundance. So you have less money and when the bills come in your worry. You get the idea.

People often ask me, “How do I feel abundant when I don’t have any money or they are foreclosing on my home?” The short answer is by simply choosing to feel abundant, ignore what you perceive as reality and just imagine how it would feel to have more than enough money. If you imagine feeling abundant more often than you worry about money and really believe it before you know it money will flow to you from all sorts of sources.

The world is a vast energy system. Whatever you focus your attention on you get more of, so if you worry about not enough you get more not enough. If, regardless of what is going on in your life you focus on happiness, ease, abundance and health you will get more of that. Since my mantra has become easy and effortless my life has become just that, easy and effortless.

Two of the most life changing decisions I ever made were to choose to believe that this is a safe universe and to consciously move toward joy rather than away from pain. You might want to play with these two concepts and see what happens in your life.

Enjoy the journey. I am making free videos again in case you missed them last time.

With aloha, gratitude and love