Only the love is real but sometimes when I watch the news I find it easy to forget about sending love.
I remember watching as the civil rights movement started, watched in horror as President Kenedy got killed and then Dr. King.
But thank goodness for the Beatles, they went to India, found the Maharishi, and started to meditate. So did I.
Meditation and love became the corner stones of my life. As I deepened my spiritual awareness I realized that fear and judgment just led to more judgment and fear.
While love on the other hand leads to greater and greater freedom. If I judge and hate people who commit violent acts I am just adding more judgment and fear to the world. I’m only hurting myself.
As the saying goes if we don’t learn from history we are doomed to repeat it. That applies to us personally as well as globally.
The pipe bombs and the senseless shooting at the synagogue reminds me that this world needs a lot more love.
I had a bumper sticker that said: Commit Random Acts of Kindness and Sensless Beauty.
I’m offering you a challenge:
Commit random acts of kindness and post them in the comment section of my blog. Let’s declare to the world that love, kindness and compassion live in our hearts and in our minds.
Let’s fill the world with kindness and watch our lives light up with magic and miracles. So scroll down and list your acts of kindness so we can see each other a bit more clearly.
I believe it is an idea whose time has come!
With lots of love and aloha,
My random act of kindness today was helping a person feel better about themselves and as the result happier> I also complimented a women, she smiled and we had a short conversation.
With love, Susan
We volunteer at Helping Hands, our church’s volunteer group helping any fellow elderly parishioners who are in need of a ride to the doctor’s or therapy and things of the like. I call it our Holy Uber. We also visit elderly at senior living homes and bring meals over to them as well. My wife and I also volunteer a couple of days a week at our church’s thrift shop.
Before I retired a few years ago, I would arrive at work an hour early and during my meditative walk throughout an apartment development near our corporate park and hand out a dollar bill daily on the windshield of random parked cars anonymously. I did this for about a couple of years. I even hid dollar bills in grocery stores, under a bunch of grapes, under a can of soup, etc. It brought me great joy to help brighten the days of people heading for work to find this small gift. I got more than I gave.
That is wonderful – there acts of kindness the more magical life is – thanks for doing all that Dave and for posting it!!
Whilst having a conversation with an acquaintance they said something outrageously untrue. I consciously bit my lip and continued talking with love and didn’t give in to the naughty little voice expressing a different course of action. Result harmony and peace within the group.
Thanks for sharing that – the more we practice love the more awesome our lives become
My random kindness today was meeting and thanking a woman who has a license plate that says sparkle. I’d see her car several times while driving around town. Today as I went to vote her car was in front of mine. So I asked the woman in the voting line …are you sparkle ? Yes I am she said. thank you for your license plate because when I see it it reminds me to sparkle …. be kind, share my light, sing a little louder in my car! She smiled and said I made her day!
That’s great. I once sold a car and it had a sticker of a small family of turtles .on the back window. I saw the car one day and stopped to talk with her. It made both of smile –