It’s Sunday morning as I write this. I came up to my office to make a video about gratitude (which I will be making shortly) and was bombarded with stories about bombings at a wedding in Turkey and mass suicides in Attawapiskat, home of the first people of Canada.
As I read the articles and thought about the violence I was once again reminded of the importance of one’s connection to the essence of who and what we are, our spirit.
You are not your body
You are not your body, you are the energy that gives life to your body. Your body is your vehicle.
We are meant to use that vehicle to enjoy this beautiful planet while still experiencing our oneness. Judgment, fear, anger, hopelessness, depression and the desire to be right cut us off from the love that is our basic nature.
When we are cut off from that love we can do unspeakable acts. I believe it is our job to bring love to those acts. If we judge the terrorists we just deepen the divide. We become an emotional terrorist.
Imagine what love can do
Imagine thousands and thousands of people consciously choosing to send love to all the terrorist, rapist and murderers.
Right now the media and society has created an environment of fear, judgment and hate which only deepens the divide. That division strengthens ideologies that are fear based, feed hate, where strapping a bomb on and blow others up makes sense.
Once again no matter what the question love is the answer. Many people choose to avoid watching or reading the news because they find it upsetting. I have an invitation.
A powerful, world changing invitation
For the next month I invite you to watch the news at least once a day and consciously let go of any feelings other than love as you watch. Allow the judgment and fear rise to the surface, consciously choose to let them go and then feel love. Love for yourself and then love for the people in the news.
Fill yourself with love, feel it erasing anything unlike itself and then again focus on love. Imagine that love all around you like a beautiful cloud and then see that cloud of love expand to surround the entire world.
Do this exercise often through out the day. Invite others to join you. Let’s start a love revolution. Let’s bomb the world with love.
I have no idea how many people belong to IS or believe in its ideology but imagine an equal number of people sending love to them and all the fear based people out there. What a different world this would be.
Take the love pledge: I pledge to love everything equally and practice sending love until that is second nature for me. I will consciously send love to all beings and will fill my heart and my mind with love. I will love acts of violence and war.
Please invite all your friends. The more of use releasing and judgment and sending love the more love will be set free to work its magic!
With love and aloha,
What a terrific idea when watching the news. Looking forward to practicing this suggestion. It can only help all of us. Thanks.
Susan, thank you for being the wonderful bundle of love you are. I’ll be watching the news and sending love, too.
Thanks for being you Kate!
With love, Susan
Thanks Maryanne. Looking forward to love just circling the worls.
With love, Susan
I am in in loving all.
Thank you!
Your welcome and thanks for adding your love.
With love, Susan
I always appreciate your perspective/outlook towards things! I happily accept your challenge to look at the news and everything else happening around me with, Love. I am expecting to see positive changes!
Just love it all! Thanks Bruce for adding your thoughts and love.
Smiling a lot, Susan
When I first started reading your blog I thought I was reading my own things, Who and what I am is all about love. It’s really all I know it’s in my heart my soul it’s who I am. Love is my religion. Compassion is my practice. Kindness is my default position. Extending grace is my goal. Merciful justice is my motivation. Tenderness and compassionship are my needs. Joy is my source of rejuvenation, and humanity is my family. I write a little bit too but it’s all about love so I would be glad to accompany you on this journey, it’s a wonderful idea and I look forward to it thank you so much Susan
Thanks Christine
That mantra is beautiful.
Thanks Sandra – enjoy being immersed in love!
Thank you, dear Susan, for your sage, loving wisdom, and outlook shared.
Reading what you have written heartens me in this practice of sending love rather than judgement; and/or of feelings of depression and helplessness at the terror and fear erupting across our beautiful planet.
With love and hope to all <3
Love is so much more soothing than judgment and fear. The more we choose love the more love there is.
With love, Susan
This pledge came at the perfect time, just when I found myself becoming angry last week when watching the news. I always get what I need when I open myself to the universe. Thank you Susan for this excellent challenge.
Thank you for another doable very powerful thing. This is so simple, this is sooo magnificent!
I know this is months later but I believe it still applies with what is going on daily in the world. Thank you for writing this. I absolutely needed to read it today especially since I seem to be reading about hate and fear everywhere else I look. I am taking the pledge and am going to talk to my boys about this. You are a blessing and I am sending love to you first!
Thanks for the love – glad you found this just when you needed it – funny how that works!