hand candle heartLately I’ve been talking about the fairy godmother. I used her with a client and she was able to overcome a pesky problem that had haunted her for years.

As children we had vivid imaginations. We can use our imagination and our inner guidance to radically change the quality of our lives.

I started getting used to quiet conversations with my fairy godmother but then she went silent. I couldn’t connect with her. I struggled for a bit, but then finally I surrendered. When I let go I heard quiet laughter.

Once I stopped being so serious, I heard playful giggles and once again I could hear the gentle voice of my fairy godmother, that loving inner guidance.

Her message is always one of love, acceptance and joy. She reminds us that anything is possible once we just believe in the power of love.  

My mind, when left unattended can be full of judgment, fear and anger. It imagines the worse and unless I intervene the quality of my life steadily goes down hill.

The greatest gift I ever gave myself was retraining my mind. Our minds were never meant to be in charge of our lives, our spirit was meant to be the guiding force.

As I once again embraced that childlike sense of magic and miracles everything changed and nothing changed. I could hold myself in the gentle embrace of love.

Having a loving relationship with yourself makes all the difference in life. Add in the fairy godmother and you are golden!

Life is all about relationships. Your relationship to love, time, money, your body, your mind and everything else.

Later this month I’m starting a class that is all about mastering relationships, all of them! Your relationship with love, your body, time, money, other people and the fairy godmother.

I hope you join me for this class. If you sign up before October 14th you save $75.

Here is a short video about the class

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions. I hope you give yourself the gift of this amazing class!

With love and aloha, Susan