Whenever I come to a border I wonder – who decided which side of an imaginary line is one state or country while on the other side of the line is another? There are places around the world you can move inches and be in another time zone. As a species we certainly seem to create a great deal of separation.

When it comes to our spiritual path I find looking at the world from the perspective that there is no ‘out there’ is most useful. Some people say, “Yes, the world is a mirror.” If you see the world as a mirror it is easy to miss the point. Play with the thought that there is no ‘out there’ and see where it takes you. Next time you are upset about something, take a deep breath and remind yourself there is no ‘out there.’ Listen for the words, what are you telling yourself that is creating the upset?

If you think your happiness is dependent on something ‘out there’ ask yourself what you think it will bring you? Often we equate having money with feeling safe – if you generate the feelings that you believe money will bring you on a regular basis you will find money comes to you easily.

The paradox is, if you pretend there is no ‘out there’ to change ‘out there’ it won’t. And if you change what is going on within you ‘out there’ will change.

Play with the concept of there is no ‘out there’ – engage your awareness and watch your life transform.

With love from the out there that is not out there,

Life is but a dream – make it a great one!
Join me for a year long dream class