Transformational Coaching Program

coaching program I have several different 5 month programs that include group coaching calls, lots of email contact and 1 on 1 phone calls (or Skype) with me.
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Weekend Virtual Retreat

Spend a day (actually two weekends with me) from the comfort of your own home. We’ll start the night before, you’ll set your intent for the coming day, you’ll send it to me and we will talk about the best way to create the changes you desire.

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Throughoutretreats the year, I hold powerful retreats in Hawaii, one of the most healing and transformative places on earth. You’ll also find me teaching around US—and the globe, including Japan, Mexico, Peru and eastern Europe. I’d love to meet you!

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I became fascinated with energy healing when a woman healed my frost bitten fingers that doctors said I would never regain feeling in them. I have studied energy healing for over 30 years. In 2008 I became a Reiki Master.

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Toltec master Susan Gregg shares her knowledge with all who are seeking an aware and principled life shift. Working closely with you, she will artfully alter your perspectives and empower your intentions toward a richly rewarding transformation. She teaches the agreements from her personal apprenticing with Miguel Ruiz, and, as well, from her life of best striving to live these precepts.

Ponder this rhetorical question for a minute: How could four simple principles change the world? And still be changing the world now? Each individual who has read or heard of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz has been (to a small or significant degree) positively affected in consciousness and quality of action or reaction. Each person at a minimum changed their practice of personal (or business or community) ethics.

Susan Gregg understands that living these four principles as a serious life pursuit leads to a fresh “aha” perception of what is considered “you” and “them.” These conditions of self-hood include spiritual perception, mystical alignment with subtle realities, truly altruistic action, noble thought, and freedom from life’s binding illusions. Susan Gregg apprenticed under Don Ruiz (and his mother) for years. And this was before he wrote his now much-read book. She was their student in San Diego during a time she herself went through life-changing growth and serious struggles with addiction and loss. This is not only learning, but practicing with Susan towards love, awareness, intent, meditation and other unfolding aspects of this path.