My motto is: Only the love is real.
Everything else is a distortion or illusion created by your thoughts. You can allow yourself to see through the illusion and in the process set yourself free.
When we judge ourselves, anyone or anything we cut ourselves off from our source, from our limitless nature.
I enjoy reading the Tao. There are many translations, it is simple wisdom that when applied to life can make a huge difference. There is one section that talks about water and how it always seeks its own level, it flows and has little or no resistance.
So imagine your life if you allow yourself to become liquid love. So often I talk about seeing life through the eyes of love. When you allow yourself to BE love life truly is an amazing work of art, a beautiful thing to behold and an adventure that is glorious to live.
Next month I am doing a retreat All About Love. It will be an opportunity to bask in the magic and beauty of Hawaii while letting go of any beliefs that stand in the way of you experiencing your loving, limitless nature. There are only a few spots left.
I invite you to join me as we:
- Snorkel in tidal pools
- Float in the warm ponds where ocean water is gently heated by Pele (the Goddess of the volcano)
- Eat fresh locally grown food mindfully prepared
- Sleep, relax and unwind
- Meditate, walk the labyrinth and just recharge
- Hike, walk on earth newly created, walk through a lava tube
- Sleep under the stars, see the Milky Way
- Visit the volcano
- See a new black sand beach as it is being created
- Go to a local farmer’s market
As Mark Twain says:“Twenty years from now,you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
Don’t miss this opportunity. There are a few spots left, please give yourself that gift.
With love and aloha,
Is making a complement, or thinking one (that dress is pretty, or wow what a nice hat). A judgement that one needs to stop? Or only critical and negative ones?
It depends, we can offer comments from a place of love or from a place of wanting to be liked. The energy is very different. When I decided to stop judgment I took a hiatus from offering any comments for a while. It was very freeing and I enjoy the inner silence as my brain was trained to be quiet.
Sending you a BIG hug Jacy, Susan