by Susan Gregg | Jul 16, 2020 | Perspective, relationships |
I recently had the most amazing experience with a watermelon. That day we were having sun and rain so there was a beautiful rainbow. I was looking out the window appreciating the day. My hands were resting on the watermelon when suddenly I felt an overwhelming sense...
by Susan Gregg | May 27, 2020 | Creating What You Want, Love |
You’ve all no doubt heard, “When the universe gives you lemons make lemonade. A week ago my water pump died and then Bea resurrected it. This week our refrigerator stopped working and trying to find a repairman on a weekend under stay at home orders was another thing....
by Susan Gregg | Mar 19, 2020 | Fear, Letting Go |
Here is a short video about dealing with fear. With everything that is going on in the world now adding more fear is the last thing we need to do. Feel free to ask me questions or share your thoughts in the comment section below. Have an amazing day filled with love,...
by Susan Gregg | Feb 26, 2020 | Love, Making Change Happen, Video |
How do you feel really loved? Thought by thought. It really is an inside job! Here is Sadie (the parrot) and I explaining how to feel really...
by Susan Gregg | Nov 6, 2019 | Love, Spiritual Practices |
Have you ever longed to feel more connected to the divine? To be able to access the insights, love and guidance of your godself? With a little practice it is as simple as writing a letter. For years I seldom used the word God because it tends to be emotionally...