by Susan Gregg | Oct 31, 2010 | Awareness, Ceremony, Faith, Joy, Love, Toltec, Transformation |
Tonight at 8 PM eastern Time I will be having a live tele-ceremony. When I studied with don Miguel and Sister Sarita she taught me how to perform a beautiful ceremony that helps send all souls to the light, to honor all those who have passed on and to release anything...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 16, 2010 | Personal Freedom, Teaching Stories, Toltec |
Speaking words of wisdom, Let it Be, Let it Be. That song has been stuck in my mind for months now. Those of you who are familiar with my work know the Grandmother. She shares her wisdom through what I call teaching stories. She was a storyteller and her stories...
by Susan Gregg | Jan 5, 2010 | Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Intent, Personal Freedom, Toltec |
Aloha, What are you going to create this year? What is your intent? This time of year I like to look back, review last years intent and observe, gently and lovingly my results. Many people in my life changed address (died) last year and my life is very different. It...
by Susan Gregg | Oct 27, 2009 | Transformation |
Aloha everyone, I just saw this video and loved it, so I pass it along to you. Definitely an ahhh moment. With love and aloha, Susan
by Susan Gregg | Aug 24, 2009 | Awareness, Creating What You Want, Divine, Gratitude, Joy, Love, Toltec |
Aloha, For the past five years I have gone to Lithuania in September to teach workshops for a month. This year I am going earlier because Latvia has asked me to come. When they asked me to come the first time I had no idea where Lithuania was or anything about the...