by Susan Gregg | Oct 17, 2020 | acts of kindness, Love |
When I first moved to California I worked a series of jobs I disliked, a lot. I would trudge my way through the week waiting for the weekend. Then I would spend much of the weekend dreading going back to work on Monday. Not a very joy filled existence. I had just...
by Susan Gregg | Oct 15, 2020 | kindness, Love |
I’ve missed posting regularly to my blog. About two years ago I fried my laptop and bought an iPad as a replacement. It makes a great replacement for my Kindle, but not my laptop. Last week I bought a new laptop, a PC and after getting it all set up (not one of my...
by Susan Gregg | Sep 8, 2020 | Uncategorized |
Recently I have had a bunch of people ask if I could post transcriptions of my videos. So here it is. I am a comment junkie so I’d love to read and respond to you. So comment away in the comment section below. Aloha. Susan Greg here. I am going to talk about once upon...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 16, 2020 | Perspective, relationships |
I recently had the most amazing experience with a watermelon. That day we were having sun and rain so there was a beautiful rainbow. I was looking out the window appreciating the day. My hands were resting on the watermelon when suddenly I felt an overwhelming sense...
by Susan Gregg | May 27, 2020 | Creating What You Want, Love |
You’ve all no doubt heard, “When the universe gives you lemons make lemonade. A week ago my water pump died and then Bea resurrected it. This week our refrigerator stopped working and trying to find a repairman on a weekend under stay at home orders was another thing....