by Susan Gregg | Oct 15, 2020 | kindness, Love |
I’ve missed posting regularly to my blog. About two years ago I fried my laptop and bought an iPad as a replacement. It makes a great replacement for my Kindle, but not my laptop. Last week I bought a new laptop, a PC and after getting it all set up (not one of my...
by Susan Gregg | May 27, 2020 | Creating What You Want, Love |
You’ve all no doubt heard, “When the universe gives you lemons make lemonade. A week ago my water pump died and then Bea resurrected it. This week our refrigerator stopped working and trying to find a repairman on a weekend under stay at home orders was another thing....
by Susan Gregg | Mar 10, 2020 | Love, Perspective |
I recently got this email, “I’m sorry to be rude but you are wrong. Some people are unlovable and it’s my own fault because everyone can’t be wrong. Death is the only friend for people like me.” I used to feel that way, unloved and useless but then I...
by Susan Gregg | Oct 23, 2019 | Gratitude |
Gratitude is a powerful and fun way to change your life. Imagine your entire life infused with gratitude. Imagine waking up and feeling grateful for the coming day. As you lazily wake up imagine looking forward to your day. When I first moved to California I got a job...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 9, 2019 | Beliefs, Creating What You Want |
I recently received this email: If life is a neutral energy how and why do all of the bad things happen in life ? I understand about painting my own story, however, if I were attacked by a stranger, where does this come from? I saw it as a great opportunity to explore...