What is God’s name?

What is God’s name?

Have you ever longed to feel more connected to the divine? To be able to access the insights, love and guidance of your godself? With a little practice it is as simple as writing a letter. For years I seldom used the word God because it tends to be emotionally...

I lost my voice

Two weeks ago my partner Bea had major surgery on her ankle. She was in immense pain and won’t be able to put any weight on her leg for at least 6 weeks. That meant I had to take care of her, all the cats, kittens and dogs, 80 + chickens, the parrot and the garden. A...
Ever feel lonely, looking for love?

Ever feel lonely, looking for love?

Valentine’s Day often brings that empty feeling up to the surface. After years of looking for love I finally decided to love myself and celebrate the holidays just for me, cards, and chocolates, the whole nine yards. Once I stopped looking for love out there and...
Reinvent your life with love

Reinvent your life with love

Love is an amazing energy that can create miracles. And it can become the default setting in your life. Ask yourself these questions often as you move through your day. How can I see this through the eyes of love? What would love do? Love expands, fear contracts. Love...