Finally I’m Back

Finally I’m Back

I’ve missed posting regularly to my blog. About two years ago I fried my laptop and bought an iPad as a replacement. It makes a great replacement for my Kindle, but not my laptop. Last week I bought a new laptop, a PC and after getting it all set up (not one of my...
So what is YOUR story?

So what is YOUR story?

Recently I have had a bunch of people ask if I could post transcriptions of my videos. So here it is. I am a comment junkie so I’d love to read and respond to you. So comment away in the comment section below. Aloha. Susan Greg here. I am going to talk about once upon...
Got lemons? Choose love!

Got lemons? Choose love!

You’ve all no doubt heard, “When the universe gives you lemons make lemonade. A week ago my water pump died and then Bea resurrected it. This week our refrigerator stopped working and trying to find a repairman on a weekend under stay at home orders was another thing....
We take so much for granted

We take so much for granted

So much has changed over the past month. People keep talking about when life will go back to normal but what is normal? I’d like to see more love. Caring for each other and the planet would be a nice normal for me. What about you? What would you most like to see? We...
What to do about fear

What to do about fear

Here is a short video about dealing with fear. With everything that is going on in the world now adding more fear is the last thing we need to do. Feel free to ask me questions or share your thoughts in the comment section below. Have an amazing day filled with love,...