I lost my voice

Two weeks ago my partner Bea had major surgery on her ankle. She was in immense pain and won’t be able to put any weight on her leg for at least 6 weeks. That meant I had to take care of her, all the cats, kittens and dogs, 80 + chickens, the parrot and the garden. A...


Imagine what your life would be like if every thought, choice and action was driven by love? What is your heart really longing for? Do you just want someone in your life so you think you are loved or do you really want to be loved, honored and appreciated for who you...
That loving inner voice

That loving inner voice

When I don’t listen to my inner voice I always regret my decision. ALWAYS! How about you? Recently my gate opener quit working. When I bought it I listened to my inner voice YES and I bought the extended warranty. I called and they had me send it to a repair center....
I’ll do it later

I’ll do it later

Do you ever suffer from the procrastination bug? I used to make long lists of things I needed to do figuring I could simply check them off one by one. Instead I’d look at the list, feel overwhelmed and get nothing done. Oh, I’d putts around, moving papers on my desk...