by Susan Gregg | Jul 30, 2009 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Faith, Gratitude, Intent, Joy, Love, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Transformation |
Aloha everyone, Several years ago I watched the movie Pay It Forward and really enjoyed it. The other day I was thanking someone for an act of kindness they had done and they said, “That’s okay I was just paying it forward.” I did some goggling this morning...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 23, 2009 | Awareness, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Fear, Fearless Fridays, Intent, Love, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Transformation |
Aloha everyone, The Toltec tradition teaches us how to change our point of creation from our mind to our spirit. Instead of creating our reality based on our filter system we can learn to consciously create our reality. If you watch the news, listen to the economic...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 16, 2009 | Awareness, Creating What You Want, Divine, Exercises, Fear, Intent, Love, Toltec, Transformation |
Aloha everyone, How much does fear affect your life? How often do you make your decisions based on fear? How aware are you of your fears? The three masteries of the Toltec tradition are awareness, transformation and intent. Changing your point of creation from your...
by Susan Gregg | Jul 9, 2009 | Exercises, Faith, Fear, Fearless Fridays, Forgiveness, Intent, Joy, Love |
I was thinking about writing this post and goggled fear. I found this video and loved it so I thought I would share it. With love and aloha, Susan
by Susan Gregg | Jul 3, 2009 | Exercises, Faith, Fear, Forgiveness, Love |
Aloha everyone, In the Toltec tradition fear is considered one of the obstacles to achieving personal freedom. The main objective of the tradition is to change your point of creation from your mind to your spirit. When you are aligned with your spirit you are...
by Susan Gregg | Jun 28, 2009 | Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Faith, Intent, Personal Freedom, Transformation |
Aloha everyone, One of my students sent me this video. It is pretty amazing what a person can do with intent! With love and aloha, Susan
by Susan Gregg | Jun 26, 2009 | Awareness, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Fear, Personal Freedom |
Aloha everyone, Last week I promised you a powerful way to deal with fear. When I first tried this technique I had a great deal of resistance but believe me it works! Making choices based on fear often create undesirable results in life. I used to try to ignore my...
by Susan Gregg | May 29, 2009 | Abundance, Awareness, Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Divine, Exercises, Faith, Gratitude, Intent, Joy, Love, Meditation, Personal Freedom, Toltec, Transformation |
Aloha everyone! I’ve gotten a few questions about what exactly the art of allowing is and I thought the best way to explain and help you with this and similar concepts I teach would be to do it in a live webinar. I’ll talk more about this concept and how...
by Susan Gregg | Apr 11, 2009 | Beliefs, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Intent, Personal Freedom, Transformation |
When I lived in Vermont a friend and I had this standing joke about, “Been busy.” There was an old man that wandered around saying,”Been busy. Been busy.” He was a likable old gent and his mantra about being busy always brought a smile to my face. It was also clear he...
by Susan Gregg | Feb 27, 2009 | Awareness, Creating What You Want, Exercises, Gratitude, Personal Freedom, Toltec |
One of the first exercises Miguel gave me was to watch people, without judgment by simply paying attention to their energy. I spent hours developing that skill. I would sit with my eyes closed and practice feeling people approach. My favorite place was a bench at Sea...